Hardest of the Hardcore

We read an essay called "The Hardest of the Hardcore". It was an interesting and insightful article, but heavy with facts and not a lot of solutions. The author didn't specifically state this as an issue in the beginning, either. He writes it out like a list..."using mercenaries in war is problematic for six major reasons". It is slightly boring by the end of the piece, and I was left thinking "okay, enough already". Again, he didn't put enough solutions in the piece to make it worth reading it, in my mind. I was also left with the so what? kind of mindset. However, he did laden his argument with ample background information, sources, and statistics. He provides good claims and evidence for the claims, but does not provide the solutions. It comes across as more of an informative essay then a persuasive, solution-proposing speech or piece of writing.

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