Excercise from book


I'm sitting outside my dorm on the bench. The weather is cool and there's a breeze in the air. There are people walking up and down the sidewalks, talking and sharing ideas. The beautiful white stone architecture the Integrated Sceince and Technology and Health and Human Services building is glaring in the sunshine, brightening the picture. Cars, people and buses are busy on their separate paths. The grass is green and the air clear.


I'm on the bench outside my dorm. It's cold and the air is sharp. People are everywhere, talking loudly and blocking the sidewalks. The glaring white stone of ISAT/HHS is too bright, causing an eyesore in the mostly green and brick landscape. Cars, people, and buses are too loud and distract from the campus's natural beauty.


It was interesting to see the different points of view in my writing. I kind of had to force myself to make the negative part, but it was definately interesting to focus on the bad aspect. I used some connotations to really create the images. Looking back, I could've put more emotion in to it. I tried to vary sentence structure to emphasize or de-emphasize my ideas.

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